20 June 2024

8 minutes of reading

What to automate in sales? - Automating offer creation

Why is it worth automating sales?

Automation eliminates many time-consuming, repetitive tasks, minimizes error risk, and enables scaling sales activities without a proportional increase in human resources.

How does automation impact sales efficiency and results?

Shortening the sales cycle Automation enables faster information processing, reducing the time needed to close a deal. A shorter sales cycle means more closed deals in less time.

Increasing lead conversion Automation aids in better lead management, automatic prioritization, and immediate response to sales opportunities, increasing the likelihood of converting leads into customers.

Optimizing marketing activities Integrating sales automation tools with marketing systems allows for more precise campaign targeting, enhancing their effectiveness and yielding better sales results.

Improving team collaboration Automating sales processes often involves implementing CRM systems that facilitate communication and collaboration within the sales team. Better collaboration leads to more coordinated actions and better results.

Constant information availability Automated systems store all data in a central location, enabling quick access to necessary information at any time. This prepares sales staff better for customer conversations and enables more accurate decisions.

Data Integration Between Contracts and Offers

Automating sales processes includes efficient data management between various documents, such as contracts and offers. Integrating this data can significantly speed up processes and reduce the risk of errors. Below we discuss what data is extracted from contracts to offers and vice versa, and what tools support this process.

What data is extracted from contracts to offers?

Extracting data from contracts to offers allows automatic filling of offers with information already gathered in the CRM system. Examples of data that can be extracted include:

Company name: The client’s company name, a basic element of every contract and offer.

Objectives to achieve: Objectives set in the contract, which can be automatically transferred to the offer, ensuring document consistency.

Client issues: Information about problems the company needs to solve, collected during previous contacts and stored in the CRM.

Contact details: Names, positions, and contact details of decision-makers.

Payment terms: The agreed payment structure, which can be directly transferred from the contract to the offer.

What data is extracted from offers to contracts?

The reverse process, extracting data from offers to contracts, is also crucial for ensuring consistency and accuracy. This data may include:

Scope of services or products: A detailed description of the offered products or services previously presented in the offer.

Prices and terms: Agreed prices and sales terms accepted by the client.

Implementation schedule: Deadlines for specific stages, which can be transferred from the offer to the contract.

Detailed specifications: Technical or other specifications of products or services crucial for contract implementation.

Creating an Offer Based on CRM Data

CRM systems (Customer Relationship Management) are key tools in automating the offer creation process. Data collected in the CRM, such as contact details, communication history, notes on client needs, objectives to achieve, and problems, can be automatically transferred to offer templates. This makes the offer creation process faster and more efficient, reducing the risk of errors from manual data entry. For instance, a CRM system can automatically fill an offer with company information, precisely define client objectives based on previous conversations, and present tailored solutions to recorded problems. Automatic offer generation based on CRM data allows for creating more personalized and accurate documents, increasing sales success chances.

Integrating Zapier with CRM enables even more advanced automation of this process. With Zapier, data can be automatically transferred between the CRM and other applications used in the company, allowing full synchronization and real-time information updates. For example, when new client information is entered into the CRM, Zapier can automatically update relevant offer templates, incorporating the latest data. This automation eliminates the need for manual information processing, increases data accuracy and consistency, and significantly speeds up the offer creation process.

Client Description

Accurate client information is key for effective sales and building lasting business relationships. Understanding clients’ needs, problems, and objectives allows for better offer matching and more effective communication. Detailed information helps create offers that better meet specific client needs, increasing sales success chances, and building lasting relationships, translating into loyalty and long-term cooperation. Client data allows for better market segmentation and more effective marketing and sales strategies, and access to complete information enables faster responses to client needs and problems, increasing sales efficiency. Information about clients can be collected from conversation notes, website analysis, surveys and forms, and by monitoring social media. All collected data should be entered into the CRM system, where it will be centralized, categorized, and tagged, making it easier to search and analyze.

Regular updates ensure the information is always current and reflects the current situation.

Tools like Zapier can automatically pull information from various sources into the CRM, saving time and reducing error risk.

The CRM system should also enable analysis of collected data and report generation, aiding in making more informed business decisions.

Integrating accurate client information into the CRM allows for a more personalized and effective sales approach and building long-term business relationships.

Generating Contracts, Presentations, and Offers

Automating Sales Document Creation

Automating sales document creation is a key element in increasing efficiency and accuracy in the sales process. With the right tools, companies can quickly and error-free generate contracts, presentations, and offers, allowing them to focus on building client relationships and closing sales.

Tools for Contract Generation

Contract generation tools enable the quick creation of professional and personalized documents. Examples of such tools include:

DocuSign: Allows creating, sending, and signing electronic contracts. It automates contract management, ensuring quick and secure approvals.

PandaDoc: Offers comprehensive solutions for creating, sending, and tracking contracts. It integrates with CRM systems, allowing automatic client data filling.

Adobe Sign: A digital signature tool that allows creating and sending electronic contracts, integrating with popular office applications.

Tools for Creating Presentations

Presentations are a key element in the sales process, helping effectively present the offer to the client. Presentation creation tools include:

Microsoft PowerPoint: A popular tool for creating professional presentations. It offers a wide selection of templates and editing options, facilitating the creation of personalized presentations.

Google Slides: An online tool for creating and sharing presentations. It enables real-time collaboration and easy document sharing.

Prezi: A platform for creating dynamic and interactive presentations, allowing for more engaging offer presentation.

Tools for Creating Offers

Offer creation can be time-consuming, but automation can significantly simplify this process. Examples of offer creation tools include:

Proposify: Provides tools for creating, editing, and managing online offers. It allows tracking clients’ interactions with the offers.

Qwilr: Enables creating interactive, responsive offers that can be easily tailored to client needs. It integrates with CRM systems.

BidSketch: An offer creation tool that allows quick generation of professional documents and tracking their status.

Best Practices Examples

Automating sales document creation doesn’t end with choosing the right tools. Implementing best practices is crucial for maximizing the benefits of automation:

Centralizing templates: Using standard document templates, centrally managed, ensures consistency and a professional look for all documents.

CRM Integration: Automatically pulling data from CRM into documents allows for quick and accurate creation of personalized contracts, presentations, and offers.

Regular updates: Ensure all templates and data are regularly updated to reflect current business needs and client requirements.

Team training: Provide appropriate training for the sales team on using automation tools, increasing their efficiency and ability to quickly respond to client needs.

Automating sales document creation allows companies to save time, increase accuracy, and improve sales efficiency. With the right tools and implementing best practices, companies can better meet client needs and increase their chances of sales success.

When to Automate Sales?

Sales automation can bring many benefits, but it’s crucial to properly prepare and assess the readiness of processes within the company. Automation makes sense only when all sales processes are well-structured and documented. Without this, automation can lead to chaos and inconsistency instead of bringing the expected benefits.

What Sales Processes Can Be Automated?

Automation can cover various aspects of the sales process, including:

Lead generation: Automating marketing campaigns and lead management using tools like HubSpot or Marketo.

Lead qualification: Automatically evaluating potential clients based on defined criteria using CRM systems.

Client communication: Automating email sending, reminders, and handling client inquiries using tools like Mailchimp, Intercom, or Drift.

Creating offers and contracts: Automatically generating sales documents like offers and contracts using tools like PandaDoc or DocuSign.

Sales pipeline management: Tracking and managing sales stages in a CRM system like Salesforce or Microsoft Dynamics.

How to Assess if Your Processes Are Ready for Automation?

Assessing readiness for automation requires analyzing current processes and organizational structure. Key steps in this assessment include:

Sales process audit: Conduct a detailed analysis of current sales processes to identify areas for improvement and automation.

Identifying repetitive tasks: Determine which tasks are routine and repetitive, as they are the best candidates for automation.

Process documentation: Ensure all sales processes are precisely documented and structured. Without this step, automation can introduce more confusion than benefits.

Technological infrastructure assessment: Check if current systems and tools are compatible with automation solutions. It may be necessary to implement new systems or integrate existing ones.

Team readiness: Assess if the sales team is ready to adopt new technologies. This may require appropriate training and support.

Costs and benefits analysis: Analyze the potential costs of implementing automation compared to the expected benefits, such as time savings, error reduction, and increased efficiency.

Examples of Companies That Succeeded with Sales Automation

HubSpot: Successfully automated its marketing and sales processes using its CRM and marketing automation tools. This increased lead generation and management

efficiency, but only because their processes were well-structured before automation.

Salesforce: A leader in CRM, Salesforce automated many of its sales processes, including pipeline management, offer creation, and client communication. Automation helped Salesforce better manage client relationships and shorten the sales cycle, thanks to precise documentation and process structure.

Zendesk: Automated customer service and sales processes using its ticket management and CRM tools. Automation allowed Zendesk to resolve customer issues faster and more efficiently and improve customer satisfaction, thanks to optimized and well-documented processes.

Sales automation can bring significant benefits, but its success depends on carefully assessing the readiness of processes within the company. Implementing automation at the right moments and areas allows for optimizing sales activities, increasing efficiency, and improving financial results. It is crucial to ensure all processes are precisely documented and structured before automation, ensuring smooth and effective technology implementation.


Sales automation offers numerous benefits that can significantly improve a company’s operational efficiency and financial results. With proper automation implementation, companies can achieve new levels of efficiency and effectiveness in their sales activities.

Sales process automation offers several benefits, including:

Time and resource savings: Automation eliminates many time-consuming, repetitive tasks, allowing employees to focus on more strategic activities.

Increased accuracy and error reduction: Automatic data processing minimizes the risk of human errors, leading to more precise results and improved data quality.

Process scalability: Automation enables scaling sales activities without a proportional increase in human resources, crucial for company growth.

Better data analysis and reporting: Automation tools often offer advanced analytical features, allowing continuous sales results monitoring, trend identification, and more informed business decisions.

Increased customer satisfaction: By automating customer service processes, companies can respond to customer needs more quickly and efficiently, translating into higher satisfaction and loyalty.

Future Tips and Recommendations

To fully leverage sales automation potential, consider a few key tips:

Thorough process documentation: Ensure all sales processes are precisely documented and structured before starting automation. This ensures smooth and effective technology implementation.

Choosing the right tools: Select tools that best suit your company’s needs and integrate with existing systems. Popular options include CRM systems (Salesforce, HubSpot), document automation tools (PandaDoc, DocuSign), and marketing campaign management platforms (Marketo, Mailchimp).

Regular team training: Provide regular training for the sales team to stay updated with new tools and technologies, increasing their efficiency and ability to respond quickly to client needs.

Monitoring and optimization: Continuously monitor automation results and look for areas for optimization. Ensure processes are updated according to current business needs and market changes.

Focus on clients: Remember that automation should primarily serve better customer service. Focus on delivering value and building lasting client relationships.

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