Creating Web Applications - 12 trends You need to know in 2024


    In 2024, the web development industry continues to evolve under the influence of the pandemic, which has significantly accelerated digital transformation worldwide. Technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), blockchain, and cloud solutions are now key elements shaping both business development strategies and user expectations, who demand greater interactivity, speed, and security. Among the most important trends for 2024 include:

    • Personalization and Automation: The use of AI and ML allows applications to be tailored to user needs and preferences, enhancing their functionality and efficiency.
    • Privacy and Ethics: As user awareness grows, privacy issues and ethical aspects of data use are becoming increasingly important in application design.
    • Containerization and Microservices: These technologies facilitate the building, scaling, and maintenance of applications, which is crucial for rapidly developing companies.
    • Modern Frontend Technologies: Technologies such as Jamstack and new CSS frameworks are changing the way web applications are created, making them faster and more responsive.

    These changes not only affect how companies make strategic technology decisions but also how designers and developers create modern applications that meet today’s market requirements.

    Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Application Development

    Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have revolutionized the web development industry, enabling the creation of smarter, more responsive, and user-tailored web applications. Their application transforms traditional approaches and opens up new possibilities in various aspects of design and functionality.

    Key Applications of AI and ML in Web Applications

    1. Content Personalization: AI and ML allow web applications to analyze user data in real-time and tailor content according to individual preferences. As a result, users can receive more relevant product recommendations, personalized offers, and information content tailored to their needs.

    2. Optimization of User Interactions: By analyzing user behaviors, AI can predict which interface elements are most effective and which require improvement, allowing for continuous enhancement of the user experience.

    3. Customer Service Automation: AI and ML-based chatbots can handle customer inquiries 24/7, providing quick responses to frequently asked questions and freeing human resources for more complex tasks. Advanced algorithms are capable of learning from interactions, continually improving their ability to solve new problems.

    4. Analytics and Data Insights: ML can be used to analyze large data sets to detect trends, predict market behaviors, and optimize business processes. Intelligent data analysis helps companies make better strategic decisions based on solid data.

    5. Security and Fraud Prevention: ML algorithms are used to monitor and analyze user behaviors to detect unusual patterns that may indicate fraud attempts or cybersecurity attacks, enhancing the security of applications.

    Impact of AI and ML on the Future of Web Application Development

    The integration of AI and ML in web applications not only enhances their appeal and usefulness for end-users but also opens up new opportunities for developers in terms of innovation and optimization. As these technologies continue to evolve, we can expect even deeper personalization, better operational efficiency, and more advanced security solutions. All this makes AI and ML not just a current trend, but primarily a direction for future technological development in the web industry.

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) play a key role in personalizing user experiences in web applications, significantly impacting engagement and company revenues. These technologies enable the creation of personalized recommendations and content, which are precisely tailored to individual user preferences. For example, Spotify analyzes users' listening histories to deliver personalized playlists, which increases time spent on the platform and impacts revenue growth. Similarly, Amazon uses AI algorithms for product recommendations, which is a key element of their marketing strategy.

    Dynamic pricing is another application of AI, where companies like Uber adjust prices in real-time based on data analysis such as location, demand, and other factors, optimizing rates depending on market conditions. Furthermore, studies conducted by McKinsey have shown that companies that effectively implement personalization can generate revenues 40% higher from these activities compared to other companies. This also enables an increase in customer lifetime value, enhancing their loyalty and the likelihood of repeat purchases, which is particularly important in the context of long-term business strategies.

    The application of AI and ML in web applications not only enhances their attractiveness and usefulness for end-users but also opens up new possibilities for developers in terms of innovation and optimization. How companies use these technologies for personalization and dynamic adjustment of offerings is a key element of competitiveness in today's rapidly changing market environment.

    Performance Optimization: The Importance of Server-Side Rendering

    Server-Side Rendering (SSR) is a technology that significantly impacts the performance of web applications, especially by shortening page loading times, which directly translates to SEO and overall usability. Page loading speed not only improves search engine rankings but also significantly impacts user experience and business outcomes.

    Impact of SSR on Key Business Indicators:

    1. Conversions and Bounce Rate: According to research conducted by Google, even a one-second delay in mobile page load time can reduce conversions by 20%. Additionally, a study by SOASTA shows that pages taking longer than five seconds to load can experience a significant increase in bounce rate, directly impacting conversion rates.

    2. Optimization of User Experience: A study by Portent revealed that pages loading within one second can generate up to three times more conversions than those that take longer. The longest acceptable page load time is five seconds, and every second beyond this limit can significantly reduce potential revenue.

    3. Choice of Technology and Tools: SSR, especially through frameworks like Next.js, is particularly beneficial in applications such as e-commerce and marketplaces, where optimal user experience and maximizing conversion rates are crucial. Using SSR in such applications can significantly improve performance and user satisfaction.

    Implementing SSR is not only a response to the technical requirements of modern web development but also a strategic element that can bring significant business benefits, especially in the context of optimizing conversion rates and improving user experiences. The goal is to ensure that web applications are not only functional but also fast and user-friendly, which is today one of the deciding factors for success in the competitive digital market.

    Best Practices in Securing Applications

    Protecting web applications from advanced digital threats requires the use of proven security methods and practices. Here are key practices that every organization should implement to secure their applications.

    Key Security Practices:

    1. Regular Updates and Security Patches: It is crucial to systematically update all system components and apply the latest security patches. This minimizes the risk of exploitation of known vulnerabilities by cybercriminals.

    2. Data Encryption: It is fundamental to use encryption for data transmitted between the client and server (e.g., HTTPS protocol) and for data stored on the server to protect it from unauthorized access.

    3. Authentication and Identity Management: Multi-factor authentication (MFA) significantly enhances security by adding an additional layer of protection in the login process. It is also important to regularly review and update user permissions, ensuring access only to necessary resources.

    4. Protection Against XSS and CSRF Attacks: It is important to implement appropriate security measures, such as validating user input and using tokens, which help prevent attacks such as cross-site scripting (XSS) and cross-site request forgery (CSRF).

    5. Regular Penetration Testing and Security Audits: Systematically conducting penetration tests and security audits is crucial for identifying and eliminating potential weaknesses in application security.

    6. Security Training for Employees: Regular training programs on digital security for employees are essential to increase awareness of current threats and ways to prevent them.

    Implementing these practices not only protects applications and data from unauthorized access but also builds user trust, who increasingly expect their data to be securely stored and processed. Strengthening application security is not only a response to technical requirements but also a component of building a professional company image in the market.

    Blockchain in Application Development

    Blockchain, mainly known for its use in cryptocurrencies, is boldly entering the world of web and mobile applications, transforming the security and functionality of these technologies. This distributed ledger technology offers unique benefits that can revolutionize many aspects of application creation and usage.

    Key Advantages of Using Blockchain in Applications:

    1. Enhanced Data Security: Due to its nature, blockchain provides a very high level of security. Each block of data is cryptographically linked to the previous one, making the system resistant to modifications and hacker attacks. This is an ideal solution for applications requiring data immutability, such as financial transactions or supply chains.

    2. Decentralization: Storing data on the blockchain eliminates the need for a central server, reducing the risk of attacks like single point of failure. Data decentralization makes the system more resistant to failures and attacks.

    3. **Transparency

    and Auditability**: Blockchain provides full transparency of operations. Each transaction is recorded and accessible to all network participants, which is crucial in applications requiring a high degree of auditability, such as voting systems or document management.

    1. Automation with Smart Contracts: Smart contracts are scripts that automatically execute on the blockchain when specific conditions are met. They allow for the automation of complex processes without the need for intermediaries, which can significantly reduce operational costs and increase efficiency.

    2. Enhancing User Trust: Integrating blockchain technology in applications can increase user trust through greater control over their own data, the ability to verify transaction histories, and the transparency of application operations.

    Examples of Blockchain Applications:

    • Financial Applications: Blockchain is used to create decentralized financial applications (DeFi) that offer services such as loans, currency exchanges, or investments without the intermediary of traditional financial institutions.
    • Supply Chain Tracking: Applications utilizing blockchain can effectively monitor and verify each stage of the supply chain, from producer to consumer, ensuring the authenticity and origin of products.
    • Warranty and Certification Systems: Blockchain enables the creation of indisputable certificates for products and services, which is particularly important in industries where authenticity and certification are crucial.

    Integrating blockchain into applications is still a relatively new field that is dynamically evolving and opening up new possibilities for developers and businesses.

    VR and AR

    Virtual (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) are at the forefront of technological innovation, introducing revolutionary changes in interactions with web and mobile applications. For example, Pokémon GO, an AR game, has revolutionized the mobile app market, attracting millions of users to interactive character catching in the real world, generating revenues exceeding one billion dollars. Another significant step in this technology is Apple Vision Pro – innovative AR glasses that have the potential to further transform both everyday experiences and specialized applications such as design, education, or entertainment. Vision Pro by Apple represents a breakthrough in the way we interact with digital content, offering users an extremely immersive and technologically advanced experience.

    Progressive Web Apps (PWA)

    Progressive Web Apps (PWA) represent the future of application development, combining the best features of native apps and websites. They are fast, efficient, and can operate offline, significantly improving user experience.

    Advantages of Progressive Web Apps (PWA)

    1. Offline Accessibility and Reliability: PWAs can be used even when internet connectivity is limited or unavailable, allowing users constant access to key features and content. Learn more.

    2. Speed and Performance: PWAs are optimized for speed and responsiveness, providing users with a smooth and satisfying experience, comparable to native apps. This can significantly improve conversion rates and user engagement.

    3. Ease of Installation and Updates: Users can add PWAs directly to their device's home screen from the browser, without the need for an app store. This simplifies the update and maintenance process, as all changes are made on the server and immediately available to users.

    4. Security: Delivered via HTTPS, PWAs offer an additional layer of security, protecting against unauthorized access and other cyber threats.

    5. Costs and Support for Multiple Platforms: Creating a single application that operates on multiple platforms and devices lowers development and maintenance costs, while also expanding the reach of the application. Compare PWA and cross-platform applications and further analyze costs and benefits in our article.

    Progressive Web Apps are becoming increasingly popular due to their unique features and benefits that they offer both developers and users. With their versatility and flexibility, PWAs are the future of web application development.

    Microservices in Application Architecture

    Adopting a microservices architecture brings significant benefits to organizations looking for greater operational efficiency and better alignment of resources to the actual needs of application users. Thanks to the modular nature of microservices, it is possible to precisely monitor the performance of individual parts of the system and optimize resources where it brings the greatest business benefits.

    Key Benefits of Using Microservices Architecture:

    1. Purposeful Scaling: Microservices allow scaling only those parts of the application that generate the most value or are most burdened, instead of scaling the entire monolith, which often leads to inefficient resource use. This enables companies to better manage infrastructure costs and increase operational efficiency.

    2. Performance Optimization: Each microservice can be independently monitored and analyzed for performance, allowing for quick response to changing usage conditions and real-time resource adjustment.

    3. Faster Iterations and Innovations: The independence of microservices fosters faster development and deployment of new features. Teams can work on different functionalities simultaneously, without the risk of disrupting the stability of the entire system.

    4. Increased System Resilience: In the event of a failure of one microservice, the entire system is not compromised. Isolating individual services increases the reliability of the entire application, which is crucial in critical business applications.

    5. Technological Flexibility: Microservices can be created and run in different technologies and environments, allowing teams to choose the most suitable tools for a specific task without being committed to one technology or platform.

    Implementing microservices may require significant changes in IT system architecture, but the benefits of greater flexibility, scalability, and the ability

    to precisely adjust resources make it an investment that can significantly contribute to increasing a company's competitiveness and innovation.

    Implementation of GPT and Automation Using LLM Capabilities

    The integration of Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) models in web applications brings significant transformation in automation and enhancement of customer services. Using advanced artificial intelligence algorithms allows for significant improvements in user interactions and optimization of business processes. GPT, powering advanced chatbots, offers natural and fluid conversations that can respond to complex queries and adapt to changing contexts. This enables a significant increase in customer satisfaction and reduces the burden on support departments, which is crucial in the modern business world.

    AI can analyze user preferences and behaviors, automatically and dynamically adjusting content, product recommendations, or even the user interface. Thanks to the ability to analyze large amounts of data and generate insights, GPT can also support decision-making processes, providing analyses and recommendations in real time. Automating many routine tasks, such as generating reports or managing customer inquiries, translates into time and resource savings. Integrating GPT into web applications not only enhances their functionality but also places enterprises at the forefront of innovation, opening new opportunities for development and market competition.

    Adoption of Cloud Technologies in IT Development

    Cloud technology has revolutionized the IT industry, introducing new levels of scalability and innovation that transform how companies develop, deploy, and manage their IT systems. The cloud offers unparalleled flexibility and scalability, allowing companies to quickly adjust their IT resources to current needs without the need for costly physical infrastructures.

    The Impact of Cloud Technology on Scalability and Innovation in IT

    The cloud enables organizations to easily scale resources up or down, depending on current demand, which is particularly beneficial in cases of dynamically changing workloads. This allows companies to experiment and innovate with greater freedom, testing new ideas without significant initial investments and long-term commitments. This contributes to faster introduction of new products and services to the market, which is crucial in rapidly developing technology sectors.

    AWS as a Cloud Technology Leader

    Amazon Web Services (AWS) is one of the leading cloud service providers, playing a key role in shaping the current landscape of cloud technologies. AWS offers a wide range of services, from computing and databases to artificial intelligence and machine learning, enabling companies from various industries to take advantage of the cloud. For example, the ability to use AWS Lambda for managing serverless functions allows companies to further reduce operational costs and focus on application development rather than infrastructure management.

    AWS continually introduces innovations, such as advanced analytical tools and Internet of Things (IoT) solutions, which transform traditional business models and open up new development opportunities. The availability of AWS's global infrastructure also ensures high service availability and reliability, which is crucial for companies needing continuous operation and global reach.

    Adopting cloud technologies, especially platforms like AWS, is now not only a trend in IT but a necessity for companies that want to remain competitive in an increasingly digital world. This enables them to not only increase their operational efficiency but also accelerate innovation and adapt to rapidly changing market conditions.

    The Importance of UX/UI in Application Design

    Good UX/UI (User Experience/User Interface) design practices are crucial for the success of an application. In the digital age, where competition is fierce and users have a wide choice of technologies, providing an exceptional user experience is not only important but often decides the survival of a product in the market.

    Current Trends in UX/UI Design and Their Impact on Application Success:

    1. Focus on Customer Experience: The trend towards optimizing UX/UI aims to create the most competitive product possible. Companies are increasingly investing in UX research to thoroughly understand the needs and behaviors of their users. This knowledge allows for the design of interfaces that are intuitive and enjoyable to use, which in turn translates to increased user retention.

    2. Minimalism and Simplification of Interfaces: Simple, clean interfaces with a limited number of elements provide better clarity and allow the user to focus on the most important aspects of the application. This approach not only enhances aesthetics but also the efficiency of using the application.

    3. Personalization: Personalizing the interface and user experiences is becoming the norm. Systems that adapt to user needs and preferences not only raise satisfaction but also help build loyalty.

    4. Accessibility: Designing with accessibility in mind is becoming increasingly important. Adapting applications to the needs of people with various disabilities is not just an ethical issue but also expands the market reach of the product.

    5. Integration with Advanced Technologies: Implementing solutions such as artificial intelligence (AI) for content personalization or decision support, and augmented reality (AR) for enriching interactions—all impact how users experience the application.

    Impact on Application Success:

    Investing in high-quality UX/UI directly translates to the success of an application. It is easier and cheaper to retain existing users than to acquire new ones, and satisfied users are more likely to use the app frequently, recommend it to others, and generate a lower rate of departures. Additionally, applications with well-designed interfaces perform better in app stores, which translates to higher rankings in search results and greater visibility.

    By paying attention to every aspect of the UX/UI design, companies can not only increase their competitiveness but also build lasting value that attracts and retains users to their product.


    WebAssembly, often abbreviated as WASM, is a modern binary code format for executable files that are processed by web browsers. WebAssembly is designed to be fast, secure, and portable, enabling its use across multiple platforms. It allows code written in languages such as C, C++, and Rust to be run in the browser with near-native performance.

    Examples of Using WebAssembly in Modern Web Development

    1. ComputerGames: WebAssembly is an ideal solution for game developers who want to transfer their existing games written in C++ or other programming languages to the browser without losing performance. This enables users to play advanced games directly in the browser without needing to install additional software.

    2. Graphic and Video Applications: WebAssembly allows for efficient processing of images and videos in browsers, which is crucial for applications such as graphic editors or video editing software. Due to its performance, WASM is used to accelerate the processing of these media, offering users a smooth and responsive experience.

    3. Development Tools: WebAssembly can also be used to create complex development tools that operate directly in the browser. Examples include compilers, IDEs, and debuggers that utilize WASM to provide the high performance necessary for these applications.

    4. Scientific Simulations and Visualizations: With the capability to execute code with near-native performance, WebAssembly is also used in scientific and engineering applications that require intensive data processing, such as physical simulations or visualizations of large data sets.

    WebAssembly opens up new possibilities for web developers, enabling the creation of web applications that were previously not feasible due to the performance limitations of JavaScript. It represents a step towards a more dynamic and interactive internet, where the boundaries between native and web applications are becoming increasingly blurred.

    In the dynamically evolving world of web technologies, the coming years will bring groundbreaking innovations that will shape the way we create and interact with web applications. Trends that are gaining importance today will become the foundation of modern application design in the future.

    Priority for UX/UI Design

    The increasing importance of excellent user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design is one of the most critical trends. Companies are increasingly realizing that investments in UX/UI are crucial for enhancing user engagement and retention. Clear and intuitive interfaces not only facilitate interaction but also contribute to building long-term customer loyalty, while reducing the costs of acquiring new users.

    Development of Server-Side Rendering (SSR) Technology

    SSR continues to grow as the preferred solution for improving page load speeds and overall responsiveness of web applications. With SSR, websites can be indexed more effectively by search engines, increasing their visibility and attracting more users.

    Self-Service Design

    Self-service design is gaining importance, enabling users to have more autonomy in solving problems and managing their accounts. Emerging self-service tools such as interactive guides or chatbots allow for more effective customer relationship management at lower operational costs.

    Automation of Processes Using AI

    The integration of AI technologies, including models like GPT, in web applications opens up new possibilities for automation and personalization. Intelligent algorithms are increasingly used for customer service, content personalization, and optimization of internal operations, significantly impacting efficiency and innovation.

    These key trends illustrate how technologies influence the development of web applications, making them more interactive, user-adapted, and efficient.

    FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions About Web Application Development

    What are the main advantages of using microservices architecture in web application development?

    Microservices allow for better scaling and flexibility of applications, as each part (microservice) of the application can be developed, deployed, and managed independently. This facilitates code management, testing, and deployment of changes, and also improves application resilience to failures.

    How does Server-Side Rendering (SSR) differ from Client-Side Rendering (CSR)?

    SSR involves generating the page on the server and sending it ready to the user's browser, which can significantly speed up the initial page load and is beneficial for SEO. CSR, on the other hand, involves rendering the page in the user's browser, which can lead to more interactive user experiences but typically requires more time for the initial page load.

    What are the benefits of using Progressive Web Apps (PWA)?

    PWAs offer a combination of the advantages of websites and native apps. They are fast, operate offline, can be added to the device's home screen without downloading from an app store, and automatically update in the background. This provides users with a high-performance application that is always up-to-date and available on any device with a web browser.

    What technologies are currently most popular in web application development?

    Technologies such as JavaScript, React, Angular, Vue.js, Node.js, and newer approaches like WebAssembly and microservices are currently at the forefront of web application development innovations. Additionally, automation and testing tools such as Selenium, Jenkins, or Docker also play a key role in modern web development.

    What are the future trends in web application development?

    The future of web application development points to further development of AI and machine learning, integration with the Internet of Things (IoT), greater use of cloud computing, and continuation of trends related to data security and user privacy. Moreover, the growing popularity of WebAssembly may revolutionize how web applications are built and perform efficiently in browsers.


    Web application development is a dynamic field that continually evolves in response to changing technologies and user expectations. Summarizing the key points and their significance for the future of the industry, several key trends will shape this field in the coming years:

    1. Focus on UX/UI: Investments in user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design are becoming increasingly important. Organizations that focus on optimizing UX/UI gain an advantage through better user retention and lower customer acquisition costs. The quality of user interaction with the application directly impacts its market success.

    2. Technologies of Server-Side Rendering (SSR): SSR continues to gain popularity, providing faster page loading times and improving SEO, which is crucial for achieving higher

    visibility in search results and better user engagement.

    1. Adoption of Microservices: Microservices architecture allows for a more flexible and scalable approach to building and maintaining applications. It enables organizations to make changes faster and manage resources more easily, which is particularly valuable in rapidly changing business environments.

    2. Automation with AI and Integration of GPT Models: Artificial intelligence and models such as GPT revolutionize automation capabilities, from personalizing user experiences to streamlining customer service. These technologies allow companies to increase efficiency and reduce operational costs.

    3. Development of Progressive Web Apps (PWA): PWAs continue to gain popularity due to their ability to work offline, fast performance, and ease of updates. They offer users experiences comparable to native apps while being less costly to develop and maintain.

    These trends indicate increasing complexity and possibilities in the field of web application development. Companies that effectively adapt these innovations gain a significant competitive advantage, opening new paths for growth and innovation. In the coming years, we can expect further development of these trends and the emergence of new technologies that will continue to transform the landscape of web applications.

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