14 June 2024

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Server Side Rendering – When is it worth using?

What is SSR?

Server Side Rendering (SSR) is a technique for rendering a web page on the server and then sending the ready-made HTML to the client. This is an alternative to Client Side Rendering (CSR), where rendering occurs in the user’s browser. SSR allows for faster content display and better SEO optimization.

How Does SSR Work?

In Server Side Rendering, the process of rendering the page occurs on the server, which means that before the page is sent to the user’s browser, the server generates a complete HTML document.

Here are the steps of this process:

User Request The user sends a request to the server asking for a web page. This request usually comes from the user’s web browser when they enter a URL or click a link.

Server Rendering After receiving the request, the server fetches all necessary data from databases or other data sources needed to generate the page. Then, the server processes this data and generates a full HTML document.

This stage includes:

Fetching data: The server communicates with databases or other APIs to retrieve the necessary information.

Generating HTML: Based on the fetched data, the server generates static HTML ready to be displayed in the browser.

Sending HTML to the Client The ready HTML document is sent from the server to the user’s browser. The browser can immediately display the page, significantly reducing load time compared to CSR, where the browser must first download JavaScript and then render the page.

Implementing SSR in Different Frameworks

Implementing Server Side Rendering (SSR) can significantly improve the performance of web applications and their SEO optimization. Various frameworks offer built-in support for SSR, making it easier to implement. Here’s an overview of several popular frameworks and tools that support SSR.


Next.js is a popular framework for building React applications that natively supports SSR. With Next.js, the SSR implementation process is extremely simple, allowing for significant improvements in application performance and SEO. This framework enables server-side pre-rendering of pages, resulting in faster initial load times. Additionally, Next.js offers features such as API Routes, which allow for the creation of APIs directly within the project, and dynamic component imports, which reduce page load times.

Learn more about Next.js, its use in e-commerce, and the advantages and potential of using SSR: “Next.js - What Is This Framework?


Nuxt.js is a framework created for Vue.js, offering similar capabilities to Next.js. With Nuxt.js, SSR can be easily implemented, significantly improving application performance and search engine indexing. Nuxt.js automatically generates routing based on the directory structure, simplifying navigation management in the application. Additionally, the framework supports static site generation (SSG), which can further speed up page loading. Nuxt.js is also highly modular, allowing for easy integration with various modules and plugins that extend the application’s functionality.

Angular Universal

Angular Universal is a tool for server-side rendering of Angular applications. It enables SSR implementation in Angular applications, speeding up page load times and improving SEO. With Angular Universal, Angular applications can be rendered on the server, allowing for faster content display to the user. This tool offers full HTML pages that are easily indexed by search engines, leading to better SEO optimization. Angular Universal can be easily integrated with the Angular CLI tool, simplifying the SSR configuration and deployment process.

Implementing SSR in various frameworks like Next.js, Nuxt.js, and Angular Universal allows for significant improvements in application performance and SEO optimization. Each of these frameworks offers tools and features that simplify SSR implementation, enabling faster page load times and better search engine indexing. The choice of the appropriate framework depends on the frontend library used (React, Vue, Angular) and the specific needs of the project.

Comparison of SSR with Client Side Rendering (CSR)

Pros and Cons of SSR (Server Side Rendering)


Faster Content Loading: With server-side rendering, the user receives a ready HTML document, allowing immediate content display. This significantly shortens load times compared to CSR, where the browser must first download and execute JavaScript.

Better SEO: Search engines prefer pages that provide complete HTML. With SSR, the content of the page is available immediately during the first load, making it easier for search engine bots to index. This can lead to higher rankings in search results.

Better Support for Older Browsers: Older browsers may struggle with modern JavaScript techniques used in CSR. SSR eliminates this problem by providing pre-rendered HTML, which is more compatible with a wide range of browsers.


Higher Server Load: Since the server must render each page on demand, this can lead to higher load in case of heavy traffic. Proper server scaling is necessary to handle this load.

Complex Implementation: Implementing SSR can be more complicated than CSR, especially in large applications. It requires additional server configuration and managing the application state between the server and client.

Potentially Slower Page Transitions: In SSR, each page change requires a new request to the server and rendering a new HTML document. This can make page transitions slower compared to CSR, where most navigation occurs on the client side without the need for a full page reload.

Pros and Cons of CSR (Client Side Rendering)


Lower Server Load: In CSR, page rendering occurs on the client side, reducing the server load. The server mainly delivers static HTML and JavaScript files, which is less demanding.

Faster Page Transitions: Since most of the application is already loaded after the first request, page transitions can be very fast. Navigation occurs internally, often without a full page reload.

Simpler Implementation: CSR often requires less complex initial configuration. Frameworks like React, Vue.js, or Angular are optimized for CSR, making implementation and development easier.


Slower Initial Load: Since the entire application must be downloaded and executed on the client side, the initial load time can be longer. The user must wait for all JavaScript files to be downloaded and executed.

Worse SEO: In CSR, the content of the page is dynamically generated by JavaScript, which can make it harder for search engine bots to index. Although techniques like pre-rendering can help, it can still be a challenge compared to SSR.

Issues with Older Browsers: Older browsers may not support all the JavaScript features required for client-side rendering, leading to display and functionality issues on these browsers.

Summary of SSR and CSR Comparison

The choice between SSR and CSR depends on the specific needs and goals of the project. SSR offers better SEO results and faster initial page loading, which is beneficial for high-traffic and search engine visibility-oriented applications. CSR, on the other hand, can provide more dynamic and responsive user interfaces and simpler implementation with lower server load, making it ideal for interactive and multi-page applications.

Learn more about the differences between SSR and CSR.

Why Is SSR Great for Marketplaces and E-commerce?

Server Side Rendering (SSR) is often recommended for e-commerce and marketplaces for several key reasons:

Faster Page Loading

In e-commerce, every second counts. Users are impatient and quickly leave sites that take too long to load. With SSR, the page content is generated on the server and sent as ready-made HTML to the user’s browser. This allows for immediate content display, which is crucial for retaining user attention and reducing bounce rates. Faster page loading also translates to a better user experience, which is key to encouraging further purchases and increasing conversion rates.

Learn more about how to increase your e-commerce conversion rate (CRO). Click here!

Better SEO

Good visibility in search engines is fundamental to success in e-commerce. SSR makes the page content easily accessible to search engine bots, significantly improving indexing and visibility in search results (SERPs). When pages are pre-rendered on the server, search engines can more easily analyze and index them. Better positioning means more organic traffic, which is crucial for attracting new customers without investing in paid advertising campaigns.

Improved User Experience

SSR contributes to an overall improved user experience. Faster page loading and immediate content availability mean users can quickly find what they are looking for without the frustration of long load times. This leads to higher conversion rates, which is extremely important in competitive industries like e-commerce and marketplaces. Better user experience also means greater customer loyalty and a higher likelihood of return visits.

Optimization Techniques for SSR

To fully leverage the potential of SSR, it is important to apply best practices in optimizing the performance of server-rendered pages. Here are some key techniques:

Cache Management

Effective cache management is key to improving SSR performance. Storing frequently visited pages or page fragments in the cache can significantly reduce server load and speed up load times. The cache can be managed at different levels, such as server-level cache, browser cache, or even Content Delivery Network (CDN).

Resource Minimization

Resource minimization involves reducing the size of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files through compression and eliminating unused code. Smaller files mean faster transmission and shorter load times. It is also important to optimize images and other multimedia resources to ensure fast loading without sacrificing quality.

Asynchronous Resource Loading

Using asynchronous resource loading, such as JavaScript, allows for simultaneous loading of multiple page elements. This way, the user sees the content faster, even if not all resources have been fully loaded yet. Techniques such as lazy loading can be applied to load images and other elements only when needed, which also speeds up page loading.

In summary, Server Side Rendering offers significant benefits for e-commerce and marketplaces, including faster page loading, better SEO, and improved user experience. Applying performance optimization techniques such as cache management and resource minimization can further increase SSR efficiency, leading to better business results.

Why Use SSR? – Advantages of SSR

Server Side Rendering (SSR) offers a range of benefits that make it attractive for various types of websites, not just e-commerce and marketplaces:

Faster Content Display: Server-side rendering allows users to see a ready-made page almost immediately after loading. This greatly improves the user experience, especially on content-rich sites. Users are more likely to stay on a page that loads quickly, which can lead to lower bounce rates and higher conversion rates.

Better SEO: Server-side rendered pages are better indexed by search engines, improving their ranking in search results. Search engines like Google prefer pages that load quickly and are easy to index. Additionally, SSR pages can better handle dynamic meta tags and structured data, further improving visibility in search results. Greater precision in managing these elements can result in more accurate results in SERPs, increasing organic traffic.

Better Support for Older Browsers: SSR ensures that the page content is accessible even on older devices and browsers that may struggle with modern JavaScript. This means that users with such browsers will be able to view and use the site without issues, which is important for companies wanting to reach the widest possible audience.

Increased Security: SSR can also help improve application security. Since most of the logic occurs on the server side rather than in the user’s browser, there is less risk of code manipulation by malicious scripts. Additionally, with SSR, it is easier to control and monitor data access and implement advanced protection techniques against attacks.

Better Performance on Weaker Devices: Since the browser receives ready-made HTML instead of having to perform complex JavaScript operations, SSR pages can run more smoothly on older or less powerful devices. This improves the overall user experience, regardless of the equipment being used.

In summary, Server Side Rendering offers significant benefits in terms of performance, SEO optimization, browser and device compatibility, and security. Therefore, it is worth considering using this technique for various types of websites to provide better experiences for users and achieve better business results.

Disadvantages of SSR

Despite its numerous advantages, Server Side Rendering (SSR) also has some drawbacks that may influence the decision to use it. Here are some of them:

Higher Server Load: Server-side rendering requires more resources, which can lead to higher server load, especially under heavy traffic. Each page request generates additional work for the server, which must dynamically render the HTML. For high-traffic sites, this may require investment in more robust server infrastructure, significantly increasing operational costs.

Complex Implementation: Implementing SSR is usually more complex than client-side rendering. It requires more work from developers who must manage the application state on both the server and the user’s browser. Configuring the server environment and ensuring that all components work correctly on both the server and client sides can be challenging, potentially increasing the costs associated with creating and maintaining the site.

Slower Page Transitions: Page transitions can be slower with SSR, especially if the pages contain a lot of dynamic data. Each transition requires re-rendering on the server, which can cause delays. Compared to Client Side Rendering (CSR), where page transitions can be instantaneous, SSR may sometimes seem less responsive.

More Difficult Cache Configuration: Setting up caching for server-rendered pages can be more complex than for client-rendered pages. Effective cache management is crucial for maintaining high SSR performance but requires precise configuration and monitoring. Different caching levels, such as server-level cache, browser cache, and Content Delivery Network (CDN), need to be considered, which can be challenging to harmonize.


Server Side Rendering (SSR) offers many benefits, such as faster page loading, better SEO, and improved user experience, making it an attractive solution for e-commerce and marketplaces. Faster content display can significantly lower bounce rates, and better search engine visibility attracts more organic traffic, which is crucial for success in the competitive online environment. Additionally, SSR provides better support for older browsers and devices, expanding reach to a broader user base.

However, SSR also has its drawbacks. The higher server load resulting from rendering each page on demand may require investment in more robust infrastructure. Implementing SSR is also more complex than client-side rendering, which can increase the costs and time needed for development and maintenance. Additionally, slower page transitions and more difficult cache configuration can impact overall performance and application management.

Considering these factors will help you decide whether SSR is the right solution for your website. Analyzing the specific needs of your project and the resources at your disposal will allow you to make an informed decision that will bring optimal results for both users and your business.

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