Logotyp rynekpierwotny.pl

Web application

Process optimization

Process optimization with a custom web application

Project duration

June 2022 – August 2024


5 members


Real Estate

What does RynekPierwotny.pl do?

RynekPierwotny.pl is Poland's largest portal featuring real estate listings from developers, attracting over 550,000 visitors each month. By partnering with more than 1,000 developers, RynekPierwotny.pl offers access to over 90% of new housing listings available on the primary market.

9 out of 10 people searching for apartments in Poland use RynekPierwotny.pl, and every second person buying directly from a developer makes their purchase through this platform.

Objectives of the collaboration

The RynekPierwotny.pl team reached out to us to create a web-based CAD application aimed at reducing the time needed to list properties on their platform. The six-person team that would use this application performs hundreds of repetitive tasks monthly, each taking from 30 minutes to 2 hours to complete (NDA).

Using an iterative approach to organizational change, we decided to start the collaboration with a Proof of Concept (PoC) version of the application. This initial phase would allow us to measure improvements in the team’s efficiency before further developing the application.


Project workflow


Web application


Process mapping

During workshops, we developed a process map outlining the current solutions' challenges, issues, and limitations. We then planned the Proof of Concept (PoC) phase and established measurable goals to achieve.

Proof of Concept

We created a PoC version of the web-based CAD application, including only essential functionalities to evaluate whether further investment in the application's development would be worthwhile.

Development and implementation

After confirming a significant improvement in the efficiency of the RynekPierwotny.pl team, we decided to continue the collaboration with monthly development iterations.

We saved over 80% of the time required to complete tasks.

Michał Klimorowski

Michał Klimorowski

Product Owner RynekPierwotny.pl

Design workshops

During a series of workshops with the RynekPierwotny.pl team, we mapped out the tasks required to ensure that listings on the portal meet the expected standards of quality and consistency. We conducted a brainstorming session to jointly identify ways to streamline this process and the functionalities to include in the Proof of Concept (PoC) version of the CAD application.

We focused on selecting features that would be the simplest and quickest to implement, while providing the team responsible for listings with extensive editing and management capabilities for the properties.

The insights gathered during these workshops enabled us to minimize the cost of developing a functional production-ready solution and reduce the project’s risk of failure. Rather than investing heavily upfront, we opted to start with a PoC version. After measuring KPIs and verifying that the application significantly improved the process, we decided to proceed with further development.

Proof of Concept

We began developing the application using an existing open-source library tailored to this specific case, which included the basic functionalities needed for the project.

Although the library's solutions differed significantly from the project’s expectations, its use allowed us to greatly reduce the time required to create the PoC version of the application.

During the month-long PoC phase, we modified functionalities at the level of geometric algorithms and added new methods that the team required.

We also created and refined interface elements essential for accelerating the workflow and integrated the application with the system responsible for publishing listings on the portal.

Feature development

After a testing period, during which we measured the increase in tasks completed by the team, we decided to continue developing the application.

During the CAD application development, we had to create custom algorithms based on analytical geometry from the ground up. These algorithms were then generalized to handle edge cases, making them suitable for production use.

We also refactored the code of the underlying library used in the application, saving the IT team at RynekPierwotny.pl time in future development once they took over the application.

To improve application speed, user experience (UX), and reduce cloud maintenance costs, we minimized the number of calculations required on both the client and server sides.

Additionally, we introduced features that enhanced workflow by offering intelligent suggestions for task solutions based on previously completed tasks.

Project results

Increased task completion

Thanks to our collaborative efforts, the six-person team at RynekPierwotny.pl, for whom we developed the application, now completes five times more tasks and saves over 500 hours each month.

Integration with tools

We automated processes and integrated the application with existing tools without complicating the team’s workflow.

New functionalities

With new features, we’ve enhanced the user purchase journey, leading to higher conversion rates.

Platform for future development

The application we created serves as a foundation for developing new features on the portal.


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The Team Behind the Project

Sebastian Sroka iMakeable CDO

Sebastian Sroka

Project Manager

Adrian Ambroż

Adrian Ambroż

QA Specialist

adrian bielinski

Adrian Bieliński

Fullstack Developer

Krzysztof Kalisz

Krzysztof Kalisz

Frontend Developer


Adam Dołżycki

Backend Developer


Send us an e-mail or call us to achieve similar results.

Maks Konarski - CEO iMakeable

